Pet Dental Health

Dog teeth brushing


When it comes to pet health, the importance of oral hygiene can be overlooked. It’s about more than just bad breath. Dental health is crucial to your dog’s overall health. Did you know that most dogs show signs of periodontal disease as early as three years old? The good news is there are preventative steps you can take to ensure your dog’s teeth are in tip-top shape!


Brushing your dog’s teeth is a great way to prevent plaque from building up. Although you don’t need to brush daily, the more frequently you brush the better off your pet’s teeth will be. Aim for at least once a week and be sure to use a toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs. These are nontoxic to dogs and also come in a variety of flavors your pup will like. There are also several types of toothbrushes as well as brushes that fit over your finger, so find out what your dog prefers. If your dog isn’t used to having his/her teeth brushed, don’t worry! You can train your pup to get used to it over time. There are also tooth wipes that are rubbed against the teeth to remove plaque if that’s a better option for your pet.


Dental treats & dog chews are great additions to your pet’s hygiene routine. These clean the teeth, remove plaque, and freshen the breath.


Remember to talk to your dog’s vet about their recommendations for the best products to use for your dog, and about having your pet’s teeth professionally cleaned if they have plaque buildup. To help you keep their teeth in top shape, our spa provides teeth brushing as a stand alone or add on to a spa service…just ask our concierges for more details.