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dog holding a stethoscope in it's mouth

Mystery Respiratory Illness

There has been news recently about a mysterious respiratory infection in dogs in some parts of our country. We’ve not experienced or heard about any instances in our clients or even in the area, nor have we seen our usual slight seasonal uptick of reported cases of canine cold.  But we are receiving questions about it,…

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Dog against a blue sky

Client Portal

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key, and that principle extends to all aspects of life, including how we care for our pets. At our facility, we understand the importance of making your experience as seamless and stress-free as possible. That’s why we utilize our Client Portal, a user-friendly platform designed to streamline your interaction…

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dog playing in a pool

The Power of Transparency

We believe in going above and beyond to provide the utmost care and comfort for your beloved pets. Your trust in us is the cornerstone of our commitment to excellence, and one crucial aspect of this commitment is transparency regarding your pet’s medical history. As responsible pet parents, you undoubtedly understand the importance of being…

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Itchy Dog? Let’s Scratch One Up!

Is your dog scratching? Itchy? There are many reasons that may be happening, and we have some options to cure that itch! I spend a lot of my time problem-solving with pet parents about why a beloved pet is having different issues, and one of the most common is an itching or scratching pet, especially…

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Staff with two dogs

The Importance of Structure

Bringing a new puppy or adopting a dog into your home can be an exciting and heartwarming experience. As much as you may be tempted to shower them with affection and leniency, canine experts advise that structure is vital for your dog’s overall well-being and development. Establishing sensible rules and adhering to a regular schedule…

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Three dogs on a playscape

Why am I on a Waitlist?

We’ve now entered the busiest time of year for us, driven by all the summer travel. It requires us to balance increased lodging with strong daycare demand. Two years ago, we forecasted that demand would soon outpace capacity, and began plans for an expansion that would have doubled our size. The design process was complicated…

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Pet Handler with Dog

Taking Care: Dog & Parent Relationship

Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a reason. They are loyal, loving and make fantastic companions. That is why building a strong bond with your dog is crucial to fostering a healthy relationship that is beneficial for you and your pet.   Why Building a Bond with Your Dog is Essential: 1. Trust:…

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Doodle Dog

Taking Care: Doodle Coat

A deeper dive into “Caring for Your Pet’s Coat,” our article from August of last year. Doodles, a cross between poodles and other breeds such as Labradors, Golden Retrievers, or Bernese Mountain dogs, have quickly become a popular family pet. They have a reputation for being affectionate, intelligent, and hypoallergenic. One thing to keep in…

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Short-nosed dog

Taking Care: Short-Nosed Breed

Brachycephalic breeds (short-nosed breeds of dogs, such as Pugs, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, and Shih Tzus) have become increasingly popular in recent years for their adorable faces and affectionate personalities. However, while these breeds can make great companions, they come with unique medical needs requiring special care. One of these breeds’ biggest issues is their shortened…

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