Back to School

Dog with school booksStudents aren’t the only ones adjusting to change as the new school year approaches. Pets, who have enjoyed a summer of constant companionship, now face longer hours alone as children head back to school and work schedules become more prominent. Similarly, our pets can help to ease us back into our routines. Knowing how to help our pets and let them help us makes this transition period a walk in the park!

Understanding Your Pet’s Feelings

When it’s time for us to head out of the house more, our pets can begin to feel separation anxiety. Changes in their daily routine can affect their behavior and lead to more frequent unwanted behaviors such as barking, lapses in potty training, and chewing or digging. Pets can also become bored, just like humans! Keeping them engaged and preparing them for transition helps combat these feelings and behaviors.

Preparing for the Transition

Setting up a routine is key for easing our pets back out of summertime. The best way to do this is to gradually adjust our pet’s schedule before it is time to fully change over. This includes adjusting walk times, feeding times, and even bedtime. It is also important to introduce alone time gradually. Try leaving the house in smaller increments, then gradually increase the length of time you are gone. Similarly, it is best not to make a big deal out of leaving when you do go, as this can increase feelings of separation anxiety in our pets. The gradual adjustment helps the final change feel less drastic and easier.

Staying Engaged and Happy

Interactive toys and activities can help keep pets occupied during school hours. These can come in many forms, such as puzzle toys or treat-releasing balls, automatic feeders, and interactive pet cameras. Getting them out of the house is also a great idea. Regular social interaction can be key to a happy pup. Your pets can create bonds with others and enjoy the benefits of a regular daycare schedule. We love to see our guests feeling fulfilled!

A Two-Way Street

Not only is the transition back to school hard on our pets, but it can also be tough for us! Pets have been known to help children cope with the stress of going back to school through emotional support and companionship. Cuddling up with your furry friend at the end of a long day is a great stress reliever! Similarly, having a routine and allowing your child responsibility through pet care can also encourage growth and comfort. After-school activities that children and pets can both enjoy include:

  • Walks in the park
  • Playtime in the backyard
  • Training sessions or learning new tricks
  • Having them feed the pet or help with the pet’s routine

Transitioning back to a school schedule can be stressful for pets and their families. By understanding and preparing for this change, we can ensure that our companions remain happy and healthy.